  • Mon - Thu: 8.30AM - 5.30PM
  • Fri: 8.30AM - 4.30PM
  • Sat - Sun: Closed
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Special Interest in Implants

Dr. Rujuta Deshpande Special Interest in Implants     Dr Rujuta Deshpande qualified from Mumbai, India in 2006 and continued to work in the surgical/ Maxillofacial Department in the hospital for 2 years. She now works as a General Dental […]

Visiting Implantologist

Dr. Manoj Bhatia Visiting Implantolognist Manoj completed his initial dental education (BDS) in 2005 and his MSc (Implantology) in 2011. He has been placing and restoring implants since 2001 and his work is exclusively limited toImplantology. He is a registered […]

Dental Therapist/ Hygienist

Disha Jagad Dental Therapist / Hygienist Disha Jagad began her journey in dentistry in 2010 and has since developed a deep passion for providing comprehensive dental care. Her passion for dentistry and patients well being is evident in her meticulous […]